Friday, July 31, 2009

Life Lessons

Since listening to the 4th session in the Leader's Training, I've been looking for stories in my life that can illustrate a spiritual or character-oriented point. I've been simply amazed by how many there are if I simply look for them! And what's more, they make excellent blog posts too. If you would like to read some of them, keep an eye on our family blog, Life On The Potter's Wheel.

Just the other day, my sisters, dad, and I were at our local county fair watching the Tractor Pulls (lots of fun!), and sitting in front of us was a bunch of young adults in their late teens or so - no older than 20. They were being very distracting. Making lots of noise, standing in our view, leaving muddy prints on the seats, wearing crude slogans on their shirts and using bad language, etc. For the majority of the night, I was very annoyed and wondered what on earth their problem was, but towards the end of the pulls, I realized that my attitude was totally wrong!

I saw that this group was just a small representation of the sad state of modern culture, and I felt so guilty for spending the whole time inwardly complaining about them, when I should have been praying. I did pray then, and I truly wanted to weep - for me, for them, for our culture and nation. I walked away wondering what would happen to them as they grew up.

As I was trying to fall asleep that night, it dawned on me that these are the types of stories that can be used in Bright Lights! I could ask the girls what my immediate response should have been, and then take a moment with them to pray together for those young adults who needed the Lord, for the nation, and it's lack of Christian leadership and principles, and for ourselves - that we would think of others first, see their needs, and not worry about how uncomfortable we feel.

I am amazed and humbled when I see how many lessons I can learn if I'm just ready to let the Holy Spirit teach me.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. That is a great story. It is an important lesson for ME to learn! Thanks for sharing it.


  3. Thank you, Allison, for the encouragement and the offer to fellowship! I will most certainly take you up on it.

    I'm so glad you can read my blog, Risa! Just hearing your responses makes me happy!

